Modern Warfare 3 has completely changed the expectations bar for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series for the better. It has most improved in the Special Ops game mode, in which there is now Survivor Mode, in which the player has to fight off an unlimited number of enemy waves. Special Ops also now has the option to play online with friends and other people in either the Xbox Network or the PlayStation Network depending on the game console the player owns, or also over a regular internet network if the game is played on a computer. The multiplayer section has a few new "perks" for the player, but the main improvement is the new "killstreak" rewards and the ability to play split-screen while playing online multiplayer.
The game has managed to make more money in the first five days after its release than any other piece of entertainment in the history of the world, grossing $775 million, nearly four times the gross of the top five-day earner in the film industry, The Dark Knight, which managed a gross of $204 Million in its opening five days.
I own the three Modern Warfare Games and I definitely feel that this one has exceeded the standard of the two other games in all the ways, apart from the campaign mode in the first Modern Warfare which is the best of all three.