was launched on October 1st, 2009 by an Argentinian college student called Tomas Escobar while at his small college dorm. allows people to watch movies and TV shows online without paying a single dime. doesn't store its content on its servers, instead it embeds content stored in file hosting websites like on their website - this permits them to lower significantly server costs. got a mayor blow this month when Megaupload was closed by the US government as many of the content they used on their website was stored in Megaupload.
Cuevana currently serves an average of 2 million users daily and shares 3,000 films and 250,000 TV show episodes on their website.
Cuevana's future is uncertain as it is being demanded by La Academia Nacional de Cine Argentino and HBO for copyright infringement. The probability of Cuevana being closed is rising constantly especially as they gain viewership and because of the sentence which was made by the FBI against Megaupload. The sentence made against Megaupload also most probably scared off content hosting websites and content uploaders. This is probably the reason why when I tried to watch the 11th episode of Modern Family yesterday on Cuevana it told me that they had no sources to serve that specific content.